Service and Adjustment
Tank (Sediment) Cleaning
Sediment build-up on the tank bottom may create varying
amounts of noise, and if left in the tank will cause premature
rank failure. In some water areas,you may not be able to drain
all sediment deposits by simply draining the tank. In these cases
Mag-Erad (part no. 23600) can be used to help remove the sedi-
ment deposits. This may be ordered from the ,Sears Service
Center. For ordering, refer to the Parts Order List section.
Burner Inspection
Do not usethisapplianceif anypart of it hasbeenunderwater,
Immediately calla Sears Service Technician to inspect the
appliance and to replace the gascontrol or any part of the
burnersystemwh chhasbeenunderwater.
Venting System Inspection
At least once a year a visual inspection should be made of the
venting system. You should look for:
• Obstructions which could cause improper venting. The com-
bustion and ventilation airflow must not be obstructed.
i Damage or deterioration which could cause improper vent-
ing orleakage of combustion products.
Rusted flakes around top of water heater.
At least once ayear a visual inspection should be made of the
main burner andpilot burner. The drawing is for your reference.
You should check for sooting which is not normal and will
impair proper combustion.
Chemical vapor corrosionof the flue and vent system may
occurif air for combustionconi_Jnscertain chemicalvapors.
Spray can propallant_,cleaningsolvents,refrigerator and air
conditioner refrigerants, swimming pool chemicals, calcium
andsodiumchloride,waxes,bleach,and processchemicalsare
typicalcompoundswhichare potendaily corrosive.
Ob_ucted or deterioratedvent systemsmaypresenta serious
heal_ riskor asphyxation.
Be sure the vent pip_onnected to prevent
escape of dangerousflue gesses which could cause deadly
If after inspection of the vent system you found sooting or
deterioration, something iswrong.Call the localgasutilityto I
correct the problem and cleanor replace the flue andventing
beforeresum ngoperationofthe water heater.
Soot build.up indicates a problem that requires correction
beforefurther use.Turn "OFF" gasto water heater and leave
"OFF" until repairsare made, becausefailureto correct the
causeof the sootingcan result in a fire or explosioncausing
Burner Cleaning
In the event your burner needs cleaning, use the following
If inspection of the burner shows that cleaning _ re_,u,ired, turn
the gas control knob clockwise (_",_) to the OFF position,
depressing slightly.
NOTE:The knob cannot be turned fi'om "PILOT" to "OFF"
unless knob is depressedslightly. DO NOT FORCE.
Loose deposits on or around the burner can be removed by care-
fully using the hose of a vacuum cleaner inserted through the
access door of the water heater. If the burner needs to be removed
for additional cleaning, call the Sears Service Center to remove
and clean the burner and correct the problem that required the
burner to be cleaned.