Installation Instructions (cont'd)
Venting (cont'd)
All vent gases must be completely vented to the outdoors of the
structure (dwelliNg). Installonly the draft hood provided with
the new water heater and no other draft hood.
Vent pipes must be secured at each joint with sheet metal s_rews.
i !
There must be a minimum of 6" clearance between single wall
vent pipe and any combustible material. Fill and seal any clear-
ance between single wall vent pipe and combustible material
with mortar mix, cement, or other noncombustible substance.
For other than single wall, follow vent pipe manufacturer's clear-
ance specifications. To insure a tight fit of the vent pipe in a
brick chimney, seal around the vent pipe with mortar mix
Failureto have_lui_l dearancesbetweenvent pipingand
combustiblematerialwillresult ina firehazard.
Besureventpipe isproperlyconnectedto preventescapeof [
dangerousfluegaseswhichcouldcausedeadlyasphyxiation. [
Chemicalvapor corrosionof the flue and vent systemmay
occurif air for combustioncontainscertainchemicalvapors.
Spraycanpropellants,cleaningsolvents,refrigerator and air
conditionerrefrigerants,swimmingpool chemicals,calcium
andsodiumchloride,waxes,blench,and processchemicalsare
typicalcompoundswhicharepotentially corrosive.
Gas Piping
Make sure the gassuppliedisthe same type listed on the
modalrating plate. The inlet gaspressuremustnot exceed
14 incheswater column ½ poundper squareinch(3.SkPa).
The minimum inletgaspressurelistedon the modelrating
plateisfor the purposeof inputadjustment.
If the gascontrol valveissubjectedto pressuresexceed|ng½[
pound per square inch(3.5kPa),the damageto the.gascon-
trolvalvecouldresultina fireor explosionfrom eaidngga_
If the main gaslineshutoffservingall gasappliancesisused,[
alsoturn "OFF" thegasat eachappliance.Leaveall gasappli-
ancesshutoffunti the water heaterinstallationiscon_ete.
A gas line of sufficient size must be run to the water heater.
Consult the latest edition of National Fuel Gas Code ANSI
Z223.1, alsoreferred to asNFPA54 and the gascompany concern-
ing pipe size.
There must be:
• A readily accessiblemanual shut offvalve in the gas supply line
servingthe water heater, and
• A drip leg (sediment trap) aheadof the gas control valve tohelp
prevent dirt andforeign materials from entering the gascontrol
• A flexible gas connector or a ground joint union between the
shuroffvalve and control valveto permit servicingof the unit.
Be sure to check all the gas piping for leaks before lighting the
water heater. Use a soapy water solution, not a match or open
flame. Rinse offsoapy solution and wipe dry.
Standard Models are for installation up to 3,300 feet above sea
High Altitude Models are for installation from 3,300 to 5,500
feet abovesea level.
lfa standard model is installed above 3,300 feet or a high altitude
model is installed above 5,500 feet, the input rating must be
reduced at the rate of 4 percent for each 1,000 feetabove sealevel.
Contact your local Sears Service Center or gas utility for further
The appliance and its gasconnectionmust be leaktested
beforeplacingthe appliancein operation.