Installation Instructions (cont'd)
Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve
At the time of manufacture this water heater was provided
with a combination temperature-pressuresrelief valve certi-
fied bya nationally recognized testing laboratory that main-
tainsperiodic inspectionof productionof listedequipment or
materials, asmeeting the requirements for ReliefValvesand
Automatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot Water Supply
Systems,and the latest edition ofANSI Z21.22 and the code
requirements of ASME. If replaced, the valve must meet the
requirements of local codes,but not lessthan a combination
temperature and pressure relief valve certified as meeting
the requirements for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas
ShutoffDevicesfor Hot Water SupplySystems,ANSI Z21.22
by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that maintains
periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or
The valvemust be marked with amaximum setpressurenot
to exceed the marked hydrostatic working pressure of _le
water heater (150 Ibs./sq.in.) and a dischargecapacity not
lessthan the water heater input rate as shownon the model
rating plate. (Electric heaters, watts divided by 1000x 3415
equal BTU/Hr. rate.)
Your localjurisdictionalauthority, while mandatingthe useof
a temperature-pressure relief valve complying with ANSI
Z21.22 and ASHE, may require avalve model differentfrom
the one furnishedwith the water heater.
Compliance with suchlocal requirements must be satisfied
by the installeror end user ofthe water heater with alocally
prescribedtemperature.pressure relief valve installedin the
designatedopeningin the water heater in placeoftbe facto-
ry furnishedvalve.
For safeoperation of the water heater, the relief valve must
not be removed from it's designatedopeningor plugged.
The temperature.pressure relief valve must be installed
directly into the fitting of the water heater designatedforthe
relief valve. Position the valvedownward and providetubing
so that any dischargewill exit onlywithin 6 inchesabove, or
at any distance below the structural floor. Be certain that no
contact is made with any live electrical part. The discharge
opening must not be blocked or reduced in size under any
circumstances.Excessivelength, over 30 feet, or useof more
than four elbows can causerestriction and reduce the dis-
chargecapacityofthe valve.
No valve or other obstruction isto be placed between the
relief valve and the tank. Do not connect tubing directly to
dischargedrain unlessa 6" air gap is provided. To prevent
bodily injury, hazard to life, or property damage, the relief
valvemust be allowed to dischargewater in quantitiesshould
circumstancesdemand. If the dischargepipe isnot connect-
ed to a drain or other suitable means, the water flow may
causeproperty damage.
The DischargePipe:
Mustnot be smaller in size than the outlet pipe sizeoftbe
valve, or haveanyreducing couplingsor other restrictions.
Mustnot bepluggedor blocked.
Mustbe of material listedfor hot water distribution.
Mustbe installedso as to allow complete drainageof beth
the temperature-pressure relief valve, and the discharge:
Mustterminate at an adequatedrain.
Mustnot haveanyvalvebetween the relief valveand tank.
The temperature-preesure relief valve must be manually
operated at least once a year.Caution shoukl be taken to
emure that (I) no one ls in front of ov around the outlet of
the temperature-pressure rer_f valve dischargeline,and (2)
the water manually discharged will not cause any bodily
injury or property damage because the water may be
ff after manually operating the valve, it failsto completely
reset and continnesto releasewater, immediately dose the
cold water inlet to the water heater, follow the draining
instructions, and replace the temperature-pressuro relief
valvewith anew one.
(Do not cap or plug)
At the time of manufacture,thiswaterheaterwasprodded_ a combinationtem-
perature-pressurerein _e listed u comp_[ngwiththe standardfor reliefvalvesand
automaticgasthut_ff devicesfor hotwater supplysystems,ANSI Z21.22. fie< _fe
operationofthewater heater,thereliefvalvemustnot beremo_l fromitsdesignated
pointof insta_l_onorplugged.
Yourlocaljurisdictionalauthori_, whilemandatingthe useof a temperature-pressure
rel_ vahecomplyingwithANSIZ21.22andASME,mayrequireava_ mo_el differont
fromtheo_e furnishedwith_e water heater
Compliancewith suchlocalrequirements mustbesatisfiedbythe installeror enduser
of the water heaterwitha locallyprescdfiedtemperature-pressurereliefvalve_ns_led
inthe designatedopeninginthe waterfieate_
Seemanualheading-_TemperatuR-FressureReliefValves"for installationandmainte-
nanceof reliefval_, dischargeline,andothersafetypreca_ons.