Troubleshooting Guide (cont'd)
This water heater is equipped with an automatic gasshut offsys-
tern. The high temperature shut off is built into the gas control
waive.This system shuts off the gas supply to the water heater
burners when high water temperatures are present. It is non-
resettable.If the high temperature shut offactivates, the gas con-
tro[ valve must be replaced. If this were to occur, turn "OFF" the
entire gas supply to the water heater• Contact the Sears Service
Shouldoverheating occur or the gassupplyfail to shutoff,
turn "OFF" the manual gascontrol valveto the appliance.
Due to the nature of the typical gaswater heater, the
Iwater temperature in certain situations may be hotter
than the thermostat $etUng.
Short, frequent draws of hot water - especiallywith very
coldincoming water, canshockthe thermostat into br_f
operation resulting in hotter and hotter layers of water
closerto the top ofthe tank.
Changesin hot water usagepatterns or raisingthe tem-
perature differential between the cut-on of the thermo-
stat and the coldwater temperature will usuallyeliminate
the problem.
i Check the manual gasshut offvalve to be sure it is open.
Check the pilot flame. It may have gone out. All models have
an opening behind the outer door for viewing the pilot.
If the pilot isnot lit, follow the Lighting" instructions in this
manual or located above tEe gas control valve on the water
heater to relightthe pilot. If the water was extremely hot and is
now cold, the high limit safety temperature shut off may have
put out the burner and pilot. If the high temperature shut off
activates, thegns controlvalve must be replaced. Contact the
SearsService Center.
_i The gas rX_ntrolknob must be turned to the "ON" position.
The temperature adjustment dial may be set too low. See the
"Tempetatuse Regulation section.
The gas company can check the gas input to seeif it is correct.
An underfired water heater will not heat water asquickly.
Look for leaking or open hot water faucets. Make sure all are
• The cold water inlet temperature may be colder during the
winter months. It will take longer to heat the water and seem
likeless hot water.
• If you cannot find what is wrong, call the Sears Service
• The temperature adjustment dial may be set too high, See the
Temperature Adjustment section,
NOTE: A period of time is necessary after an adjustment
has been made for the water temperature to reach the new
temperxture setting.
• If lower temperature settlngs will not lower the water tempera-
ture, call the Sears Service Center,