Installation Instructions (cont'd)
Filling the Water Heater
Never usethiswater heater unlessit iscompletelyfilledwith
.w_e.r.To preventdamageto thetank, the tank must be filled
with water..Water must flow from the hot water faucet
beforeturning"ON gasto the water heater.
To fillthe water heater with water:
• Close the water heater drain valve by turning the handle to
the right (clockwise). The drain valve is on the lower front of
the water heater.
• Open the cold water supply valve to the water heater.
NOTE: The cold water supply valve must be left open
when the water heater is in use.
• To insure complete filling of the tank, allow air to exit by
opening the nearest hot water faucet. Allow water to run
until a constant flow is obtained. This will let air out of the
water heater and the piping.
• Check all new water piping for leaks.Repairas needed.
VENT DAMPERS- Any ventdamper,whether it is.operated
thermallyor otherwisemustberemovedifitsuseinhtbitsprop-
erdraftingofthe waterheater.
.Tl_.rmallyOperated Vent Dampers:Gas-firedwater heaters
Imvingthermal efEciencyin e_cessof80%may producea rela-
ffvdylowflue gastemperature. Suchtemperaturesmaynot be
high enough to properly open thermally operated vent
damper_Thiswouldcausespillageof fluegasesandmaycause
carbonmon_ide poisoning.
Ventdampersmustbearevidenceof certillcation ascomplying
with the latestedition of American National StandardANSI
7.21.68(ANSI Z21.66 & 67,respectively,coverelectricallyand
mechanicallyactuatedventdampers).Beforeinstallationof any
ventdamper,consultyourlocalSearsServiceCenteror thegas
u_ity for further information.
To insureproper ventingof this gas-firedwater heater,the
correctventpipediametermustbe utilized.Anyadditionsor
deletionsof othergasapplianceson a commonventwith this
water heater mayadverselyaffectthe operationofthe water
heater.Consultthe localSearsServiceCenter or gasutilityif
For proper venting in certain installations, a larger diameter vent
pipe may be necessary. Due to great variances in installations,
unforeseeable by the manufacturer of the water heater, you must
consult your gas company to aid you in determining the proper
venting for your water heater from the vent tables in the latest edi-
tion of the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1, also referred to
as NFPA 54.
Check the venting system for signs of obstruction or deterioration
and replace if needed.
The combustion and ventilation airflow must not be obstructed.
Obstructed or deteriorated vent systemsmay presenta serious
healthrisk or asphyxiation.
• Place the draft hood legs in the receiving holes on the top of
the water heater. The legs will snap in the holes to give a tight
• Place the vent pipe over the draft hood. With the vent pipe in
position, drill a small hole through both the vent pipeand
draft hood. Secure them together with a sheet metal screw,
,0 *_==k _CREW_J - DRAFT HOOD
The water heater with draft hoocl,installedmust be pmperb/
I vented to a chimney which.terminatesoutdoor_ Never oper-I
ate thewaterheaterunlessit isventedto theoutdoorsand hasI
I adequateair_ toavoidrisksbf.impmperoperation,expIo-
I donor asphyxiation.
The ventpipefromthe waterheatermust be no lessthan the/
diameter of the draft hoodoutlet on the water heatertand|
_x_ slopeupwardto the chimneyat least¼ inchper I,n /