Safety Precautions
A gas water heater cannot operate properly without the
correct amount of air for combustion. Do not install in a
confined area such a closet, unless you provide air as
Ishownin the "Facts to Consider About the Location" sec-
tion. Never obstruct the flow of ventilation air. If you have
any doubts or questions at all, call your gas company.
Failure to provide the proper amount of combustion air
can result in a llro or explosionand can CAUSE DEATH,
This water heater must not be installed directly on car-
peting. Carpeting must be protected bya metal or wood
panel beneath the appliance extending beyond the full
width and depth of the appliance by at least 3 inches
(76.2mm) in any direction, or if the appliance isinstalled
in an alcoveor closet,the entire floor must be coveredb
the panel. Failure to heed this warning may result in
fire hazard.
HOTTER WATER CAN SCALD: Water heaters are
intended to produce hot water. Water heated to a tem-
perature which,will satisfyclotheswashing,dish washing,
and other sanmzing needs can scald and permanently
iniure you upon contact. Some people are more likelyto
be permanently injured by hot water than others. These
includethe elderly,children,the infirm, or physically/men-
tally handicapped.If anyoneusinghot water in your home
fits into one of these groups_t_rif there is a local code or
state lawrequiring a certain temperature water at the hot
water tap, then you must take specialprecautions.In addi-
tion to usingthe lowest possibletemperature setting that
satisfiesyour hot water needs,a means suchas a mixing
valve, shouldbe usedat the hot water taps usedby these
people or at the water heater. Mixing valvesare available
at plumbing supply or hardware stores. Follow manufac-
turers instructions for installation of the valves. Before
changingthe factory setting on the thermostat, read the
"Temperature Regulation"sectioninthis manual.
Soot build-up indicates a problem that requires €orrec-
tion before further use. Turn "OFF" gasto water heater
and leave "OFF" until repairs are made, becausefailure
to correct the causeof the sooting can result in a fire or
VENT DAMPERS - Any vent damper,whether it isoperat-
ed thermally or otherwise must be removed if its use
inhibitsproper draftingofthe water heater.
IThermally Operated Vent Dampers: Gas-fired water
heaters having thermal efficiency in excess of 80% may
_reduce a relatively low flue gastemperature. Such tern- i
_eratures may not be highenoughto properly openther-
mally operated vent dampers.Thiswould causespillageof
flue gasesand maycausecarbonmonoxidepoisoning.
Vent dampersmust bear evidenceof certification ascom-
plying with the latest edition of American National
Standard ANSI Z21.68 (ANSI Z21.66 & 67, respectively,
cover electrically and mechanically actuated vent
dampers). Before installationof any vent damper, consult
your localSears Service Center or the gasutility for fur-
ther information.
• The applianceand itsindividualshutoffvalvemustbe dis-
connectedfrom the gassupplypipingsystem during any
pressure testing of the gas system at test pressuresin
excessof½pound per squareinch(3.5kPa).
• The appliance must be isolatedfrom the gassupplypip-
ing system by closingits individual manual shutoffvalve
during any pressuretesting of the gassupplypiping sys-
tem at test pressures equal or less than % pound per
HEATERS]: Propane (L.R) gasis heavierthan air. Should
there be a leak in the system,the gaswill settle near the
ground. Basements, crawl spaces, skirted areas under
mobile homes (even when ventilated), closets and areas
belowground level will serveas pocketsfor the accumula-
tion of this gas. Before attempting to light or relight the
water heater_ pilot or turning on a nearby electrical light
sw_tch,be absolutelysure there is no accumulated gas in
the area. Searchfor odor of gasby sniffingat groundlevel
in the vicinity of the appliance. If odor isdetected, follow
stepsindicated at "For Your Safety" on the cover pageof
this manualthen leavethe premises.
Chemical vapor corrosion of the flue and vent system
may occur if air for combustioncontainscertain chemical
Ivapors.Spraycan propellants,cleaningsolvents,refrigera-
tor and air conditioner refrigerants, swimming pool
chemicals, calcium and sodium chloride, waxes, bleach,
and processchemicals are typical compounds which are
potentially corrosive.
Ob.structedor deteriorated vent systemsmay present a
serioushealth risk or asphyxiation,
Safety Precautions continued on page 4.