The needle thread 1.
breaks. 2.
The bobbin thread
The needle breaks.
Skipped stitches
Seam puckering
The machine
doesn't work.
Patterns are dis-
Noisy operation
The needle thread is not threaded properly.
The needle thread tension is too tight.
3. The needle is bent or blunt.
4. The needle is incorrectly inserted.
5. The needle thread and the bobbin thread are not set properly
under the presser foot at the beginning of sewing.
6. The threads are not drawn to the rear after previous sewing.
7. The thread is too heavy, or too fine for the needle.
1. The bobbin thread is not threaded properly in the bobbin
case and shuttle.
2. Lint has collected in the shuttle area.
3. The bobbin is damaged and doesn't turn smoothly.
1. The needle is incorrectly inserted. .....
2. The needle is bent or blunt ....... ...............
3. The needle clamp screw is loose. '"'" ...............
4. The needle thread tension is too tight. ........ :
5. The threads are not drawn to therea# _ i _ious
6. The needle is too fine for the fabric6 i _
tight ......
needlet_ i : _aedproperly.
3. The need!@is i_8 _ fo_the fabric being sewn.
4. The s_i_ i_ngth is too long for the fabric.
The [eg is packed with lint.
are too fine.
dog is not raised after "drop feed" sewing.
1. The machine is not plugged in.
2. A thread is caught in the shuttle race.
3. The push-clutch is disengaged.
1. There is thread caught in the hook race.
2. Lint has built up in the shuttle or the shuttle race.
Page 24
Page 28
Page 10
Page 10
Pages 22,24
Page 36
Page 14
Page 22
the bobbin
Page 14
Page 24
Changethe needle
Page 28
Page 24
Page 14
Make stitch shorter
Page 68
Make stitchlonger
Page 42
Page 6
Page 70
Pages 18,20
Page 70
Page 70
For customer assistance call or e-mail:
1-877-SEWING-U (1-877-739-4648)
9 am - 4:30 pm, CST, Monday - Friday