Simple zigzag stitching enables you to do
many exciting things with your Kenmore
sewing machine. Beyond basics, you'll use
zigzag stitching to applique, embroider and
monogram. Unlike straight stitches, zigzag
stitches have a side-to-side width as well as a
stitch length. You'll find "recipes" for many
zigzag operations on following pages. You
can create an exciting variety of zigzag
stitches by adjusting stitch width and length
controls (see chart below).
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Narrow zigzag for light fabrics, barely
shows - set at 1.
__AA_W_A/_A_/Wl_,_-'_--'_" 2 '_-_ _.,I
Medium zigzag for most construction
seams- set at 2,
Wide zigzag for double layers, like hemm-
ing- set at 3.
Extra wide zigzag for heavy fabrics or those
that fray- set width at 4,
" 35