Installation Instructions
Removing the Old Water
Turn "OFF" electrical supply to the water heater.
Q Turn "OFF" the water supply to the
water heater at the water shutoffvalve or
water meter_
QAttach a hose to the water heater drain
valve and put the other end in a floor
drain or outdoors Open the water heater
drain valve, Open a nearby hot water
faucet which will relieve pressure in the
water heater and speed draining.
The water passingour=lye may be extreme-
ly hot. To avoidbeing scalded, make sure all connections
are tight and that the water flow isdirected away from
any person,
Q Check again to make sure the electrical supply is
turned "OFF" to the water heater. Then disconnect
the electrical supply connection from the water
heater junction box,
Q a. If have piping to the water
you copper
heater, the two copper water pipes can be
cut with a hacksaw approximately 4" away
from where they connect to the water
heater. This will avoid cutting off the pipes
too short. Additional cuts can be made
later if necessary: Disconnect the tempera-
ture-pressure relief valve drain line. When
the water heater is drained, disconnect the
hose from the drain valve. Close the drain
valve_ The water heater is now completely
disconnected and ready to be removed,
Q b. you galvanized pipe to water
If have the
heater, loosen the two galvanized pipes
with a pipe wrench at the union in each
line. Also disconnect the piping remaining
to the water heater_ These pieces should be
saved since they may be needed when
reconnecting the new water heater.
Disconnect the temperature-pressure relief'
valve drain line. When the water heater is
drained, disconnect the hose from the
drain valve Close the drain valve° The
water heater is now completely disconnect-
ed and ready to be removed.
Mineral buildupor sediment may haveaccumulated in the[
old water heater, This causes the water heater to be[
much heavier than norma! and this residue, if spilledout,I
coud causestain rig. I