Zigzag Stitches
Basic Zigzag
Set the Machine
Stitch length
Stitch selector _ntrul it_J
Satin Stitch
Set the Machine
Stitch selector
Top thread tension Zigzag foot
control 2 to 5
The Stitch and Its Uses
The zigzag stitch is one of the most
common and most versatile stitches on
your machine. It can be a utility stitch
for sewing buttons, buttonholes, hem-
ming, overcasting, mending and darn-
ing. It can also be used to decorate
with trims, appliques and cut-out work
or as a decorative stitch.
Top thread tension
control 1 to 4
Satin stitch foot
The Stitch and Its Uses
The Satin stitch is a versatile and often
used decorative stitch, but it can also
be used to overcast a raw edge (for ex-
ample, blankets, linens, tablecloths
and napkins).
The Satin stitch isespecially attractive
in applique.
Zigzag width :
Close to 0
length :
Here's How
Once your machine is set up to stitch, you may want to experiment on a scrap of
the fabric you are planning to use. Too tight a satin stitch may pucker some light
weight fabrics.
There are many ways to sew a zigzag stitch.
Consult the specific variations for detailed directions.
Satin Stitch p. 23
Applique Work p. 24
Bar Tacking p. 24
Button Sewing p. 25
Overcasting p, 26
Three-step zigzag p. 2__7
Rick-rack stretch p. 32
Overcast stretch p. 33
Serging p. 34