3/4 cup (8 oz.) strawberries, hulled
3/4 cup (8 oz.) rhubarb, roughly chopped
! 2/3 cups (13 oz,) white sugar
Place all ingredients in baking pan and start the jam cycle. The strawberries should be
very ripe and sweet and the rhubarb firm and crisp. Try adding 1 tbsp. of this jam to a
small container of plain, low-fat yogurt,
1 1/2 Cups (12 oz,) red or black raspberries
1 1/2 cups (!2 oz.) white sugar
2 tbsp. honey
Place al! ingredients in baking pan and start the jam cycle. This jam will be very liquid
when cycle is completed. It can be strained to eliminate the seeds, if desired, The jam
wil! thicken when completely cooled.
3/4 cup (6 oz.) kiwi fruit, peeled and chopped
3/4 cup (6 oz.) mango, peeled and chopped
! 1/2 cups (!2 oz,) white sugar
! tsp. lemon zest, grated
! tsp. orange zest, grated
4 drops blue food coloring
Place all ingredients in baking pan and start the jam cycle. The kiwi fruit should be ripe
but not mushy while the mango should be barely ripe. Lemon and orange zest are grated
from the surface of the pee!, Make sure some of the bitter white rind is included.
1 t/2 cups (!2 oz,) ripe peaches, pitted
1 1/2 cups + 1 tsp, white sugar
2 tbsp. golden raisins, soaked
! tbsp. brown sugar
2 whole cloves
1/8 tsp, ground allspice
Place all ingredients in baking pan and start the jam cycle, For best results, fruit and
sugar should be weighed on a small kitchen or postal scale. 1 !/2 cups of fruit or white
sugar weighs 12 oz,