The time cooking feature altows you to preset the cook-
ing time. The oven shuts off automat:Ca!ly at the end of
the cooking time.
Power }eve_10 (High) is recommended for most cock°
tng, but you may change thls for more flexibility.
1. Press T_JE COG_;.
Power level 10 will _ displayed. If desired, chang_
power level as descr!bed above.
4. Press number pads to set second cook!rig time.
5. Press START.
2. Press number pads to enter cooking time.
Power level 10 wil! be displayed. If power level 10 Is not
desired, press POWER CONTROL and then press
number pad to select new power level.
3. Press START.
When time is up, the oven signals and display flashes
=END". The oven Ilgh_ and fan shut oil.
T],_I_ COO_ BRlets you set two time cooking functions
within one wogFam. This Is Ideal when you want to
changa power teve!s durlng your cooking operations.
1. Press T_ COOK.
2. Press number pads to seI cooking tt,_.
Power level 10 will be displayed. If power level 10 Is not
desired, press IPOWER CO_TROL and then press
number pad to select new power level.
3. Press TIM_ COOK.
The display will show "COOK T]_ME', the first power
level, and the first programmed cook time, counting
At the end of the first programmed cook tlme, the
second power level, "COOK T|M_"_ and the second
programmed cook time, counting down will show In the
When time is up, the ovan signals and display flashes
=_Hi_Y'. The ovan, light and fan shut off.
Q. i s_t my oven for the time called for in the r_clpe, but
at the end of the ttme allowed, my food wasn't done.
What happened?
A. Many TI_ COOK recipes give you a tlm_ range to
prevent overcooklng. Set th_ oven for the minimum
time, tes_the food for donensss, and cook your food
a I!ttle longer If necessary.
Q. I touched the number pads and s_lected my power
level. When !touched START, however, my oven did
not come on. Why not?
A. TI_I_ COOK must be touched before setting the
cook!ng tlme with the number pads or else your
oven will not begln cooking.
Q. Iwant to cook on a power ievel other than High. What
do I need to do?
A. To cook on a power tore! other than High, first touch
TIME COOK and set the desired cooking time. Then
touch POWER CONTROL. "Power 10" appears on
the d!splay. Enter new power level on the number
pads and then touch START.
Q, Can 1Interrupt my Time Cook function to check the
A, Yes. To rasume cooking, simply close the door and
press START. The time must be reset for cooking to
resume unless time ls remaining on timer.