Contact Sears Service Center at: 1-800-4-MY-HOME® (1-800-469-4663).
For the convenience of the Qualified Service Technician a Technical Data Sheet has been placed inside the front
cover of the water heater. The Technical Data Sheet includes the following important information for Servicing and/or
Troubleshooting the water heater:
• Electric schematic (Wiring Diagram) for the water heater and the voltage and/or resistance readings that should
be measured at each component connection.
• Procedure for Setting the Gas Pressure.
• Dip Switch Settings
• Operation of the Remote Controller
• Error Codes and Suggested Remedies
Repair Parts List
For exploded parts diagrams and a part number listing refer to the Parts List located inside the front cover of the
water heater..
• Use the 305 Parts List for model numbers 154.330040 and 154.330050
• Use the 505 parts List for model numbers 154.330080 and 154.330090
Kenmore Tankless Water Heater Accessories
Part Number
Standard Controller - A maximum of 4 temperature controllers can be installed for a
water heater or bank of water heaters for convenient temperature adjustment.
3/4" Fittings for solder connection to water supply and distribution piping. Kit includes:
2 Unions, 2 Ball Valves, 2 Drain Valves and 1 Pressure Relief Valve
3/4" Fittings for threaded connection to water supply and distribution piping. Kit
includes: 2 Unions, 2 Ball Valves, 2 Drain Valves and 1 Pressure Relief Valve
2-Unit Connection Cable
Multi-Unit Connection Kit
Multi-Unit Connection Cable
Recess Box for installing water heater between wall studs
32 305 & 505 Outdoor Manual