Supply water pressure limits ........................ 40 - 100 psi
Supply water temperature limits ..................... 40 - 100 °F
Maximum total dissolved solids (TDS) ............... 2000 ppm
Maximum water hardness @ 6.9 pH ................. 10 gpg
Maximum iron, manganese, hydrogen sulfide ......... 0
Chlorine in water supply (max. ppm) ................ 2.0
Supply water pH limits (pH) ........................ 4 - 10
Product (quality) water, 24 hours ................. 22 gal.
Waste water per gallon of product water ........... 5 gal.
Percent rejection of TDS, minimum (new membrane) _ 90 - 95
Storage tank capacity (max.) ....................... 2.3 gal.
Automatic shutoff control ........................... yes
Efficiency 12 ...................................... 10 %
Recovery 13....................................... 18 %
280 - 690 kPa
5 - 40°C
83 liters
18.9 liters
8.7 liters
This system conforms to NSF/ANSI 58 for the specific performance claims as verified and sub-
stantiated by test data.
Feed water supply at 50 psi, 77°F, and 750 TDS - Quality water production, amount of waste
water and percent rejection all vary with changes in pressure, temperature and total dissolved
12 Efficiency rating means the percentage of the influent water to the system that is available to
the user as reverse osmosis treated water under operating conditions that approximate typical
daily usage.
13 Recovery rating means the percentage of the inftuent water to the membrane portion of the
system that is available to the user as reverse osmosis treated water when the system is operated
without a storage tank or when the storage tank is bypassed.
Problems, Questions? Call 1-800-426-9345 Kenmore Water Line