Three express defrost sequences are preset in the
oven. The express defrost featu_e provides you
with the express defrosting: method for t.0 pound
frozen foods, The oven automatically sets the
defrosting time for each food. You can setect the
category by touching the number's key I (meat}, 2
(poultry) and 3 (fish) after touching_ the express
Example : To de(rost I lb meat.
Touch: Display Shows:
i ,: :¢_: once°
[: :::::: ;::
_e_ost. :_,; once.
_;_ once. Time counting down
after MEAT scrolt in
the display
The oven will beep during the DEFROST CYCLE. Al
this time open the door and turn over_ separate, or
rearrange the food.
Express Defrost p_ovides just enough defrosting so
that the foods can be used in recipes or for cooking,
There will be some ice crystals remaining,