Popcorn Popcorn letsyou pop commercially packaged 3.0~3.5 oz.
microwave popcorn. Pop only one package at a time. package
For best results, use fresh bag of popcorn.
Place bag of prepackaged microwave popcorn on the center of turntable.
Before popping, remove the rackfrom the oven (refer to Page 31).
Pizza This is reheat function for a leftover pizza. 1~3slices,
Place on paper towel on a microwave-safe plate. (5 oz. each)
Frozen Entree Remove from outer display package. Slit cover. 10 to 21 oz.
If not in microwave-safe container, place on a plate.
Cover with plastic wrap and vent the plastic film by piercing with a fork
(3 times). After cooking, allow to stand for 3 minutes.
Dinner Plate Place foods to be heated on dinner plate or similardish. 1~2 servings
Cover with plastic wrap and vent.
After cooking, allow to stand for 3 minutes.
Fresh Prepareas desired,wash,and leave residualwateronthe vegetables. 1~4 cups
Vegetable Placein an appropriatelysizedmicrowavecontainer.
Addamountof wateraccordingto thequantity(1~2 cups : 2 tablespoons,
3~4cups : 4 tablespoons).Coverwith plasticwrap and vent.Aftercooking,
stirandallow tostandfor 3 minutes.
e Frozen Removefrom package,rinseofffrost underrunningwater.
-_ Vegetable Placein an appropriatelysizedmicrowavecontainer. 1~4 cups
Addamountof wateraccordingto thequantity(1~2 cups : 2 tablespoons,
3~4 cups :4 tablespoons).Coverwith plasticwrap andvent.After cooking,
:_ stirandallow tostandfor 3 minutes.
Canned Remove from the outer display can. 1~4 cups
Vegetable Place in an appropriately sized microwave container,
cover with plastic wrap, and vent.
After cooking, stir and allow to stand for 3 minutes.
Potato Pierce each potato with a fork and place the oven tray 1~4 medium
around the edge, at least one inch apart. (approx.
After cooking, allow to stand for 5 minutes. 8 to 10oz. each