• Themicrowaveovenshouldbe servicedonly by • Do notstoreanythingdirectlyon top of the
qualifiedservicepersonnel.Call an authorized
• See doorsurfacecleaninginstructionsinthe "Caring
for Your MicrowaveOven" section.
• To reducetheriskof fire in the ovencavity:
- Do not overcookfood.Carefullyattendthe
combustiblematerialsareplaced insidethe ovento
- Removewire twist-tiesfrom paperor plasticbags
- If materialsinsidetheovenignite,keep oven door
closed, turnovenoff,anddisconnectthe power
cord, orshut offpower at thefuseor circuitbreaker
- Do not use the cavityforstoragepurposes.Do not
leavepaperproducts,cookingutensils,orfood in
the cavitywhen not in use.
• Suitableforuse above bothgas and electriccooking
• Intendedto be usedabove rangeswithmaximum
widthof 36 inches(91cm).
• CleanVentilatingHoods Frequently-Greaseshould
not be allowedtoaccumulateon hoodor filter.
• Whenflamingfoods underthe hood,turnthe fan on.
• Usecarewhencleaningthe vent-hoodfilter.
Corrosivecleaningagents,such as lye-basedoven
cleaners,maydamagethe filter.
• Oversizedfoodsoroversizedmetalutensilsshould
not be insertedin the microwaveovenastheymay
createa fire or riskof electricshock.
• Donotcleanwithmetalscouringpads.Piecescan
burn offthe pad andtouchelectricalpartsinvolvinga
riskof electricshock.
microwaveoven whenthe microwaveovenis in
• Do notcoveror blockany openingson the
• Do notstorethis microwaveovenoutdoors.Donot
use the microwaveovennearwater- for example,
neara kitchensink,in awet basement,neara
swimmingpool, or similarlocation.
• Do notimmersecord or plugin water.
• Keepcord awayfrom heatedsurfaces.
• Do notletcord hangover edgeof tableor counter.
• Do notmountover a sink.
• Do notcover racksor any otherpartoftheoven with
metalfoil.Thiswill causeoverheatingof theoven.
• Liquids such as water, coffee, or tea are able to
be overheated beyond the boiling point without
appearing to be boiling due to surface tension of
the liquid. Visible bubbling or boiling when the
container is removed from the microwave oven is
not always present. This could result in very hot
liquids suddenly boiling over when a spoon or
other utensil is inserted into the liquid. To reduce
the risk of injury to persons;
1) Do not overheat the liquid.
2) Stir the liquid both before and halfway through
heating it.
3) Do not use straight-sided containers with
narrow necks.
4) After heating, allow the container to stand in the
microwave oven for a short time before
removing the container.
5) Use extreme care when inserting a spoon or
other utensil into the container.