An Aulomatic preheating temperature of 350 ° F for
convection cooking has be_n factory set into the oven,
(See step 3 below_)
1oRemove ceramic tray from
oven, Set the metal rack in
the desired cooking position;
upper or lower.
2, Touch CLEAR then touch
The tight below COOK 1w_l
go on and "F" shows in the
3. If you do not touch the
numbers for the oven
preheating to the350°F _ hen
START is touched.
If youwantto preheatthe
ovento the temperatureother
than the 350°F, touch the
desired numbers For example,
to preheat the oven to 400°E
touch 4, 0 and 0. The "400F"
willshowin the display window.
Light below COOK 2 will9o
on and "0" shows in _e
display window.
Lights above TIME and
CONVEC wilt 9o onand "0"
shows in thedisplay window_
time by touching the
corresponding numbers as
o instructed in the Cookbook,
For example, set 4-5minutes
by touching the numbers for
"4". "5","0"and"0". Then
"4500"shows in the display
window. _ _ _
NOTE: During convection
cooking, the oven keeps the
same temperature in second
stage as for preheating,,If,
however, third stage isused, and
a temperature other tkan 350°F
is desired, the oven temperature
must be set in third stage_
7, Touch START.,
The oven is working when the
oven light is om Lights below
COOK i, above PAUSE and
CONVEC will 90 on,and
"200F" is shown in the display
As theoven temperature rises
above 200° F, the (:fisplay
temperature increase in
10°F step (210E 220E 230F etc.).
When the temperature in the
oven reaches the preheat
temperature, "350F" or the
set temperature is displayed
and a pulsating beep tonewill
sound to tell that the
preheating is over.,
8, WARNING: The temperature in the oven is quite
high. Never touch the metal rack or oven walls with
bare hands. Open the door, the beep sound will stop
and the temperature display will change to "PAUS':
Place the food inside _e oven as quickly as possible.
While the door is open, the heated air will escape
from the oven and the oven temperature will drop.
9. Touch START again,,
The oven restarts, the oven
light and the lights below
COOK 2, above TIME and .....
CO]N%"EC areon The ....
"PAUS" display switches to
the time display, The time in _ i2_12_E]
the display window counts
A tone will sound and the
word "End" will show in the
display window for 2 seconds
when the 45 minutes are over,.
"Then the oven will automati-
cally shut off.
NOTES: To display the
temperature of the oven
during cooking,touch OVEN
After preheating is over, the beep tone will sound until
either the door is opened or 30 minules have elapsed,
The oven temperature shouldbe chosenin ten-degree
steps. For example, if a temperatureof 325°F is
programmed, the oven will stop at the temperature
of 320°E
Avoid opening the door often during cooking,, Hot
air will escape from the oven and the oven
temperature will drop very quickly, adversely
affecting the cooking results,
Use Pot holders to remove the Metal Rack after cook..
ing as the Rack will be hot during cooking