r SettheMachine
Stitch selector
S_lecteur de point
Top thread tension
control 2 to 5 Stitch length
Tension du fil controlred
Zigzag Stitches
• Basic Zigzag
The Stitch and Its Uses
The zigzag stitch is one of the most
common and most versatile stitches on
your machine. It can be a utility stitch for
sewing buttons, buttonholes, hemming,
overcasting, mending and darning. It can
d'aiguil/e, 2a5 zone also be used to decorate with trims,
_ Longueurdupoint, appliques and cut-out work or as a
_,_ zin€ rouge _L_ st'tGh
Points zigz_zgs
Zigzag foot
Pied apoint zigzag • Point zigzag simple
Utilisation du point
Ce point zigzag, aussi simple soit-il, est
trks utilise parce que trds pratique.
t It permet de coudre des boutons, border,
surf!ler, raccommoder et rdparer. 1l sert
Here's How
T_ereare _ to _ a z-_jzag stitch.
_e _-pe_c t_,'ad.:_e _r_directior_.
Satin Stitch p.49
Applique Work p. 50
Bar Tacking p. 50
Button Sewing p. 51
Overcasting p. 53
Three-step zigzag p. 54
Rick-rack stretch p. 60
Overcast stretch p. 61
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Voici comment
Le point peut _tre modif!_ de nombreuses fafons.
Voyez les explications d_taill_es concernant chaque point.
Point lance, page 49,
Pose d' appliques, page 50,
Brides de renfort, page 50,
Pose des boutons, page 51,
Surf!lage, page 53,
Zigzag trois temps, page 54,
Point croquet, page 60,
Point de surfilage extensible, page 61,
Point de surjet, page 63,