Smoke Alarm
The smoke alarm constantly monitors the air for
products of combustion that are produced when
something is burning or smoldering. When smoke
particles in the smoke sensor reach a specified
concentration, the alarm/voice message warning system
will sound, accompanied by the flashing red LED light.
NOTE: The smoke alarm takes precedence when both
smoke and carbon monoxide are present.
This unit has a smoke sensor that uses the ionization
t e c h n o l o gy.
S m o ke alarms are devices that can provide early wa rning of
p o s s i b le fi r es at a re a s o n able cost,h o weve r,a l a rms have
sensing limitations.
I o n i z a t i o n sensing alarms may detect invisible fire particles
(associated with fast flaming fires) sooner than
photoelectric alarms.
P h o t o e l e c t ri c sensing alarms may detect visible fire particles
(associated with slow smoldering fires) sooner than
ionization alarms.
Home fi res develop in diffe rent ways and are often
u n p r e d i c t abl e . For maximum pro t e c t i o n , Kidde re c o m m e n d s
both ionization and photoelectric smoke alarms be installed.
C AU T I O N : Smoke must reach the sensor to be detected.
Smoke alarms may not sense fires starting in chimneys,
walls, on roofs, on the other side of a closed door, or on a
d i ff e r ent floor. The alarm may be unable to wake a sound
s l e e p e r, or someone impaired by alcohol or drugs.
F e a t u r e s
F e a t u r e s
Tamper Resist Feature
To make the Smoke/CO alarm tamper resistant, a
tamper resist feature has been provided. Activate the
tamper resist feature by breaking off the four posts in
the square holes in the mounting plate (see Figure 1A).
Rotate the alarm onto the mounting plate until you
hear the tamper resist tab snap into place, locking the
Using the tamper resist feature will help deter children
and others from removing the alarm. To remove the
alarm, press on the tamper resist tab, and rotate the
alarm off of the mounting plate (see Figure 1B).
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