Eleclrlcal Shock Hazard
. Electrical ground Is required on this
. DO Not connect lo the eleclrical supply
unlll appliance Is permanently
. Dlsconnecl power lo the junction box
before making Ihe eleclrical
* This appliance must be connecied to a
grounded, metallic, permanent wiring
system, or a grounding connector
should be connecled to the grounding
lermlnal or wire lead on Ihe appliance.
Failure lo do so could result in a lire,
personal injury or eleclrical shock.
This appliance is manulaclured wlh while neulral
supply wire and a cabinet-connected, green,
grounding wire lwsled logelher.
Connecl Ihe appliance cable lo Ihe juncllon
box through Ihe U.L.- llsled conduit conneclor
Complete elecincal connection according lo
local codes and ordinances
A. Where local codes permit...
Connecting the cabined-grounding conductor
lo the neutral (while) junction box wire:
Flgure 1
1. Turn power supply off
2. Connecl logelher 3 wires green and while
appliance cable wires and Ihe neulra while wire
In Ihe juncllon box.
3. Connect ihe hvo black wes iogelher, lhen Ihe
Iwo red wares logeliler See Figure 1
B. Where local codes DO NOT permit...
Connecllng ihe cabinet-grounding conduclor
Lo the neutral (white) junction box wire:
Flgure i
1. Turn power supply off.
2. Separale the green and white appliance
cable wires
3. Connect Ihe while appliance cable wire lo
Ihe neulral (while) wire Iā ]uncl~on box
4. Connecl the two black w,res together, then Ihe
Iwo red wires toqether. See Flqure 2.
5. Connecl Ihe grounding wire lo a grounded
w,re Iā Ihe junction box
C. If connecting to a
four-wire, electrical system...
DO NOT connect the cabinet-aroundlnq
conductor to the neutral (white), junction
box wire.
Flgure 3
,rom range
1. Turn power supply off.
2. Separate the green and while appliance
cable w,res
3. Connect the white applfance cable wire to ihe
neutral (white) wire in Ihe ]unc110~1 box
Connect Ihe Iwo black w,res logelher lhen lhe
two red wires logelher See Figure 3
5. Connect Ihe green grounding wire to Ihe green,
groundlng wire ~1 Ihe juncl~on box
Now Start...
With range in kitchen.
Remove racks and cAher paris
lrom Inside oven.
Remove shipping malerials. lape and
protective film from range. Do Not remove the
shipplng base
lhls time.
Remove screws on each side 01 Ihe
Inner panel ol the oven door. Insert a
nail or a 5132ā dlameler llem Iā Ihe hole in each of
Ihe hinges. Close door as far as possible L1i1
oven door 011 01 Ihe hinges and sel aside.
Panel B