Output image size—
10 MP (4:3): 3648 x 2736 pixels
8.9 MP (3:2): 3648 x 2432 pixels
7.5 MP (16:9): 3648 x 2048 pixels
5.0 MP (4:3): 2592 x 1936 pixels
3.1 MP (4:3): 2048 x 1536 pixels
2.2 MP (3:2): 1824 x 1216 pixels
2.1 MP (16:9): 1920 x 1088 pixels
1.2 MP (4:3): 1280 x 960 pixels
Communication with computer—USB 2.0 high speed (PIMA 15740 protocol) via
USB cable model U-8
PICTBRIDGE compatibility—Yes
Auto power off—Selectable 1, 3, 5, 10 minutes
Sound tag—Yes
Date stamp—Yes
Tripod mount—1/4 inch
Size—107 x 72.4 x 35.7 mm (4.2 x 2.9 x 1.4 in.) @ power off
Weight—220 g (7.8 oz) without battery or card
Operating temperature—32-104
° F (0-40° C)
Storage capacities
The LCD displays the number of pictures (or minutes/seconds of video) remaining. For
average SD Card capacities, visit www.kodak.com/go/SDcapacities. Actual storage
capacity varies depending on subject composition, card size, and other factors. You
may be able to store more or fewer pictures and videos.