The Playback Menu
Small Pic.
Create a small copy of the current picture. Highlight a size and press
Option Description
640 × 480 Suited to television playback.
320 × 240 Suited to display on web pages.
160 × 120
Suitable for e-mail.
A confi rmation dialog will be displayed. Highlight Ye s and
press the button to create a copy at the chosen size.
Small copies stored as JPEG fi les with a compression ratio of
1 :16 (see page 89 for more information). During playback,
copies are indicated by a gray border; a , , or icon is
displayed when they are viewed full-frame ( 6–7).
Copy pictures between internal memory and a memory card. This option is only
available when a memory card is inserted.
Option Description
Copy pictures from internal memory to memory card.
Copy pictures from memory card to internal memory.
Selecting either of the above options displays the menu shown
at right. Choose Selected images to select the pictures that
will be copied ( 67) or All images to copy all pictures.
Create small picture file?
Create small picture file?
Create small picture file?
A confi rmation dialog will be displayed. Highlight Ye s and
press the button to copy the images.
Voice memos ( 44) will be copied with the associated picture, but voice recordings ( 38)
will not. See “Copying Voice Recordings” for information on copying voice recordings ( 40).
The camera may be unable to copy pictures that were created with another make of camera
or that have been modifi ed on a computer. See page 89 for more information on how copies
are stored.