Custom Settings Table
The following table describes Custom Settings functions and options, and indicates the
values that are displayed in the Back Status LCD panel.
Number Function Your Option
0 Selecting Custom Setting:
To store a combination of your Custom
Settings, select 0-A or 0-b then set Custom
Setting #1 to #24. After you have completed the
two groups of settings, you can easily switch
between combination A and B by selecting 0-A
or 0-b. To change settings in (A) or (B), select
0-A or 0-b, then change settings #1 to #24.
Two-Button Reset resets all settings in the
selected Custom Setting menu 0-A or 0-b to
their default setting. To keep any of the settings
in 0-A or 0-b do not perform Two-Button Reset.
Custom Setting A 0-A
Custom Setting B 0-b
1 Continuous Servo AF:
Release-Priority is the default setting for
Continuous Servo AF. To change to Focus-
Priority, choose 1-1.
Release-Priority 1-0
Focus-Priority 1-1
2 Single Servo AF:
Focus-Priority is the default setting for Single
Servo AF. To change to Release-Priority,
choose 2-1
Focus-Priority 2-0
Release-Priority 2-1
3 Bracketing order:
At the default setting, images are captured in
progressive order from no compensation to
negative compensation to positive
compensation. To change the order and capture
the first image with negative compensation,
select 3-1.
0, -, + 3-0
-, 0, + 3-1