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C-2 Updating Your KODAK Software Driver
files by product, version, release date, and so on. Find and download
the driver for the product you use.
Via the World Wide Web at:
This page contains links to driver listings by product type. Find and
download the driver for the product you use by following the
Via FTP (or WWW) through America Online (AOL) or CompuServe.
A driver description index is posted on AOL (keyword Kodak, and
then check the Kodak Information Library) and on CompuServe
(“Go Kodak” and then check Library 1). Instructions are also posted
describing how to access the Kodak ftp site through the on-line
service ftp utility. Find and download the driver for the product you
We encourage you to visit our driver site on a regular basis.
Once you have obtained a driver, continue at “Installing the Software
Driver” below.
Obtaining Software Updates Directly from
You can order diskettes containing current versions of the KODAK Driver
for Adobe Photoshop Software (Macintosh) and/or the KODAK Driver for
TWAIN-Compliant Software.
If you obtain software directly from Kodak, install it as described in the
next section.