
Solving Camera Problems
If you are having problems with your camera, or are having trouble viewing
images from your camera, refer to the information in the following table for
possible solutions.
Problem Cause Solution
LED blinks slowly Computer does not
detect the camera
Unplug the camera and plug it
in again.
Reboot the computer with the
camera plugged in.
Wrong USB driver
software is installed on
your computer
Run the DVC 323 installer, which
will tell you if you need a different
version of the USB driver software
on your computer.
USB port is not enabled Refer to the manual for your
specific computer. Enter the CMOS
Setup for your computer
immediately after a restart and
make sure the USB port is enabled.
USB port may be
conflicting with other
interfaces. For example,
an interrupt level conflict
with a sound, network, or
graphics card.
1 Double-click on the System
icon in the control panel.
2 Click on the Device Manager
tab and make sure “Universal
Serial Bus Controller” is listed.
3 If the controller is not listed,
the USB port is not enabled in
the CMOS Setup. Refer to the
manual for your specific
4 If the controller is listed with a
!, there is a problem with the
USB port. Select Properties to
see what the problem is and
then contact your computer
LED never lights No power to USB port Refer to the manual for your
specific computer. Enter the CMOS
Setup for your computer
immediately after a restart and
make sure the USB port is enabled.