Doing more with your camera
Running a slide show
UsetheSlideShowto displayyourpictures/videosonthe LCD.Torun aslideshowon
a televisionor on anyexternaldevice,seepage27. Tosavebatterypower,usean
optionalKodak3V ACadapter.(Visitwww.kodak.com/go/c533accessoriesor
Starting the slide show
1 Pressthe Reviewbutton,then pressthe Menubutton.
2 Press_/_ to highlightSlideShowI_, thenpressthe OKbutton.
3 Press_/_ to highlightBeginShow,then pressthe OKbutton.
Tointerruptthe SlideShow,pressthe OKbutton.
Changing the slide show display interval
Thedefaultintervalsettingdisplayseachpicturefor 5 seconds.Youcan setthe display
intervalfrom 3 to 60 seconds.
1 OntheSlideShowmenu,press_/._ to highlight Interval,then pressthe OK
2 Selecta displayinterval.
Toscrollthrough the secondsquickly,pressand hold _/_.
3 Pressthe OKbutton.
Theintervalsettingremainsuntilyou changeit.
Running a continuous slide show loop
Whenyou turnon Loop,the slideshowis continuouslyrepeated.
1 OntheSlideShowmenu,press_/_ to highlight Loop,then pressthe OKbutton.
26 (_ www.kodak.com/go/support