Chapter 4
Downloading Pictures From the Camera
You can download pictures and silent movie clips stored on the camera and save
them on your computer. You can then work with your pictures and movie clips in
the software application of your choice.
NOTE: The pictures are not deleted from the camera when you
download them. To delete pictures from the camera, see page 18.
! All pictures and video clips on the camera are saved to the following folder:
mmddyyyy_hhmmss, representing today’s month, day, year_hour (24-hr
format), minute, and second. For example, pictures saved on May 26, 2000 at
Connect the camera to your computer and
press the Shutter button to open the
imaging application and the KODAK EZ200
Software. See “Connecting the Camera to
Your Computer” on page 21.
In the EZ200 Software window, click Get
Images .
Thumbnail representations of all of the
pictures and videos on your camera are
For details on how to work with the EZ200
Software screen, see “Using KODAK EZ200
Software” on page 29.
Click Save All .
In the Choose Folder window, select the
location on your computer in which to save
your pictures.
In the Save All window, click Yes to confirm
the save.