Revised 10/97
Printed in U.S.A.
Safe Handling of Photographic Processing Chemicals
KODAK Publication No. J-98A
CAT 832 1713
If you have environmental or safety questions
about Kodak products or services, contact Kodak
Environmental Services at 1-585-477-3194,
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern time) or visit
KES on-line at www.kodak.com/go/kes.
Kodak also maintains a 24-hour health hotline
to answer questions about the safe handling of
photographic chemicals. If you need health-
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For questions concerning the safe
transportation of Kodak products, call Kodak
Transportation Services at 1-585-722-2400.
Additional information is available on the
Kodak website.
The products and services described in this
publication may not be available in all countries.
In countries other than the U.S., contact your local
Kodak representative, or your usual supplier of
Kodak products.
The following publications are available from
Kodak Customer Service or from dealers who sell
Kodak products.
J-110 Formaldehyde Use in Photographic
Processing Facilities
J-111 Determining Workplace Exposure to
J-112 Formaldehyde Emergencies
J-113 About the OSHA Formaldehyde Standard
J-114 Formaldehyde Training
For more information about Kodak Environmental Services,
visit Kodak on-line at:
If you have questions about Kodak products, call Kodak.
In the U.S.A.:
1-800-242-2424, Ext. 19, Monday–Friday
9 a.m.–7 p.m. (Eastern time)
In Canada:
1-800-465-6325, Monday–Friday
8 a.m.–5 p.m. (Eastern time)
J-311 Hazard Communication for Photographic
Processing Facilities
J-312 Personal Protective Equipment Requirements
in Photographic Processing Facilities
J-313 Occupational Noise Exposure Requirements
for Photographic Processing Facilities
J-314 Indoor Air Quality and Ventilation in
Photographic Processing Facilities
J-315 Special Materials Management in Photograph-
Processing Facilities
J-316 Emergency Preparedness for Photographic
Processing Facilities
J-317 Injury and Illness Management for Photo-
graphic Processing Facilities
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