Do not disassemblethis product; there are nouser-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to
qualified service personnel. KODAKAC Adapters and Battery Chargers are intended for indoor
use only. The use of controls, adjustments, or procedures other than those specified herein may
result in exposure to shock and/or electrical or mechanical hazards. If the LCDbreaks, do not
touch the glass or liquid. Contact Kodak customer support.
[] Theuseof an accessorythat isnot recommendedby Kodakmaycausefire, electricshock,or injury.For
approvedaccessories,visit www.kodak.com/go/accessories.
[] Useonlya USB-certifiedcomputerequippedwith a currentqimitingmotherboard.Contactyour computer
manufacturerif you havequestions.
[] If usingthis productin an airplane,observeall instructionsof the airline.
[] Whenremovingthebattery,allow it to cool; it maybe hot.
[] Followall warningsand instructionssuppliedbythe batterymanufacturer.
[] Useonly batteriesapprovedforthis productto avoid riskof explosion.
[] Keepbatteriesout of the reachof children.
[] Do notallow batteriesto touchmetalobjects,includingcoins.Otherwise,a batterymayshort circuit,
dischargeenergy,becomehot,or leak.
[] Do notdisassemble,install backward,or exposebatteriesto liquid, moisture,fire, or extremetemperature.
[] Removethebatterywhenthe productisstoredfor anextendedperiodof time.Inthe unlikelyeventthat
batteryfluid leaksinsidethe product,contact Kodakcustomersupport.
[] In theunlikelyeventthat batteryfluidleaksonto your skin,washimmediatelywith water andcontactyour
localhealth provider.Foradditionalhealth-relatedinformation,contactyourlocal Kodakcustomersupport.
[] Disposeof batteriesaccordingto localand nationalregulations.Visitwww.kodak.com/go/kes.
[] Do notchargenon-rechargeablebatteries.
22 _ www.kodak.com/go/easysharecenter