Upgrading your software and firmware
Download the latest versions of the software included on the Kodak EasySharesoftware CD and the camera
firmware (the software that runs on the camera), Seewww, kodak,com/go/m763downloads,
www.kodak.com/go/m863downloads, or www.kodak.com/go/md863downloads.
Additional care and maintenance
Jm If the camera has been subjected to inclement weather or you suspect water has gotten inside the camera,
turn off the camera and remove the batteries and card. Allow components to air-dry for at least 24 hours
before using the camera again.
m Blow gently on the lens or LCDto remove dust and dirt. Wipe gently with a soft, lint-free cloth or an
untreated lens-cleaning tissue, Do not usecleaning solutions unless designed specifically for camera lenses,
Do not allow chemicals, such as suntan lotion, to contact painted surfaces,
Jm Service agreements are available in some countries. Contact a dealer of Kodak products for more
Fordigitalcameradisposalor recyclinginformation,contactyourlocalauthorities.IntheUS,visitthe Electronics
IndustryAllianceWebsiteatwww.eiae.orgorvisit www.kodak.com/go/m76Ssupport,
www.kodak.com/go/m86Ssupport,or www.kodak.com/go/md86Ssupport.
KodakwarrantsKodakconsumerelectronicproductsandaccessories("Products"),excludingbatteries,to be
freefrommalfunctionsanddefectsin bothmaterialsandworkmanshipfor oneyearfrom thedateof purchase.
Retaintheoriginaldatedsalesreceipt.Proofof thedateof purchasewill berequiredwith anyrequestfor
Limited warranty coverage
Warrantyserviceis onlyavailablefromwithin the countrywherethe Productswereoriginallypurchased.You
mayberequiredto ship Products,atyourexpense,to theauthorizedservicefacilityfor thecountrywherethe
Productswere purchased.Kodakwill repairor replaceProductsiftheyfail to functionproperlyduringthe
warrantyperiod,subjecttoany conditionsand/orlimitationsstatedherein.Warrantyservicewill includeall
laboraswell as anynecessaryadjustmentsand/orreplacementparts.If Kodakis unableto repairorreplacea
Product,Kodakwill, at itsoption, refundthe purchasepricepaidfor the ProductprovidedtheProducthasbeen
returnedto Kodakalongwith proofof the purchasepricepaid. Repair,replacement,orrefundof the purchase
www. kodak, com/go/m 763support m863support md863support (_) 25