April 29, 2004 I-1
3D multi-sensor balanced fill-flash for digital SLR, 10-2
af area mode, 8-2
choosing, 8-2
af-assist illuminator, 8-6
aperture-priority auto exposure mode, 7-14
auto exposure bracketing, 7-20
cancelling, 7-22
auto exposure lock, 7-17
auto review, 11-9
autofocus, 8-1
situations where autofocus may not work as
expected, 8-8
basic camera operations, 4-14
basic menu, using, 4-3
basic mode, 4-1
changing display contrast, 4-9
checking the firmware version, 4-11
digital status lcd, 4-3
formatting a card, 4-8
hotkey button shortcut to menu options, 4-13
setting, 4-2
setting ISO, 4-4
setting resolution, 4-7
setting time and date, 4-13
turning overexposure indicator on and off, 4-10
updating firmware, 4-12
battery save time, 5-1
charging, 3-2
checking status, 3-5
conserving, 3-5
CR 2032 coin cell, 3-6
disposing of, 3-6
inserting, 3-4
bracketing, 7-20
browsing through images, 11-7
built-in Speedlight, 10-1
flash shooting range, 10-5
usable lenses, 10-6
using, 10-3
bulb mode exposure, 7-23
back, 2-2
bottom, 2-3
cleaning, 14-2
front, 2-1
handling, 14-1
media door, 2-4
side, 2-3
storing, 14-5
top, 2-2
turning on and off, 2-4
camera care, 14-1
camera straps, 2-23
cancel button, 2-7
capturing images
vertical orientation, 5-19
card reader, 13-4
center-weighted metering, 7-9
CF cards, 6-1
charging batteries, 3-2
cleaning the imager, 14-3
cleaning your camera, 14-2
click balance, 7-3
deleting saved settings, 7-7
loading a setting from a memory card, 7-7
saved settings menu, 7-4
saving a setting on the camera, 7-6
using a saved setting, 7-5