
Doing more with your camera
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Scene modes
1 Turn the Mode dial to Scene .
2 Press to display Scene mode descriptions.
NOTE: If the Help text turns off, press the OK button.
3 Press the OK button to choose a Scene mode.
Use this SCN mode For Camera pre-settings
Children Action pictures of
children in bright light.
f/2.8–f/3.7, Multi-Pattern Exposure
Metering, Multi-Zone Focus, ISO 140
Party People indoors.
Minimizes red eye.
f/2.8–f/3.7, Multi-Pattern Exposure
Metering, Multi-Zone Focus, Red-Eye
Flash, ISO 140
Beach Bright beach scenes. f/2.8–f/3.7, +1 Exposure
Compensation, Center-Weight
Metering, Daylight White balance,
ISO 100
Flower Close-ups of flowers or
other small subjects in
bright light.
f/2.8–f/3.7, Macro Focus, Daylight
White balance, Center-Zone Focus,
Center-Weight Metering, ISO 140
Fireworks Flash does not fire.
Place the camera on a
flat, steady surface or
use a tripod.
f/5.6, 2 second exposure, Infinity
Focus, Center-Weight Metering,
Daylight White Balance, ISO 100
Snow Bright snow scenes. f/2.8–f/3.7, +1 Exposure
Compensation, Center-Weight
Metering, Multi-Zone Focus, ISO 100
Backlight Subjects that are in
shadow or “backlit”
(when light is behind
the subject).
f/2.8–f/3.7, Multi-Pattern Exposure
Metering, Multi-Zone Focus,
Fill-Flash, ISO 100
Close-up Subjects closer than
28 in. (70 cm).
f/2.8–f/3.7, Macro Focus, Center-
Weight Metering, Center-Zone
Focus, ISO 100