Kohler Co.
Care and Cleaning Instructions
Cleaning Your Kohler Cast Iron Whirlpool
- Rinse the whirlpool thoroughly after each use and use a soft cloth to wipe it dry. If the surface becomes dirty, use
a general purpose cleaner such as Scrub Free
Mildew Stain Remover, Clorox Clean-Up
Original, Fantastic
All Purpose, Mr. Clean Top Job, Formula 409
All Purpose, Lysol
Basin, Tub & Tile Cleaner
or Scrubbing Bubbles
Bathroom Cleaner.
IMPORTANT! Use water soluble cleaners (dissolve 100% in water). Cream-based cleaners may have a tendency
to build up, reducing the friction on slip-resistant surfaces.
- BCD Rog 3 Non-Acid Bathroom Cleaner may be used on the S afeguard surface or whirlpool. It is not sold
commercially. Call 1-800-470-8337 to order. A soft nylon brush may be used on the Safeguard surface.
- Do not use steel wool, wire brushes or abrasive sponge pads. In the rare occurence of stubborn stains, use
abrasives or abrasive cleaners sparingly, but not on the Safeguard surface on the bottom of the whirlpool.
- For occasional rust removal you may use Whink
Rust & Iron Stain Remover or Muriatic Acid.
Cleaning Your User Keypad and Remote Control
- Use a soft cloth to wipe the keypad and remote control after each use. If the surface becomes dirty, use a
non-abrasive soap and warm water to clean.
Flushing Your Whirlpool System
Flush your whirlpool system twice a month or more, depending upon usage. Use the following sequence:
- Turn the jet trim rings fully clockwise to remove air induction.
- Fill the whirlpool with warm water to a level at least 2” (5cm) above the highest jets, or leave water in the
whirlpool after using.
- Add 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of a low-foaming dishwasher detergent and 20 ounces (590 ml) of household bleach
(5% - 6% sodium hypochlorite) to the water.
- Run the whirlpool for 5 to 10 minutes. Turn off the whirlpool and drain.
- If desired, rinse the bath surfaces with water.
- Rinsethesurfacesofthejets,faucet,handrails,drain,etc.andwipethemdrywithasoftcloth.