
EG (Envelope Generator)
An EG (envelope generator) applies time-varying change to
a parameter of the sound.
EG1 is assigned as the envelope source for filter cutoff
frequency, and EG2 is assigned as the envelope source for
the amp volume.
You can also use a virtual patch to assign an EG as an
envelope source for another parameter.
For more information, please see “Virtual Patch” on page 11.
The five parameters (attack time, decay time, release time,
sustain level, and curve) that make up each envelope can be
edited in the PROG 5-1: EG1, P5-2: EG2, and P5-3: EG3
Envelope settings
1. Edit the “Attack Time”, “Decay Time”, “Release Time”,
and “Sustain Level”.
Higher values for Attack Time, Decay Time, and Release
Time will lengthen the time over which the tone or volume
will change.
2. Use “Curve” to select the curve by which the decay and
release time will change.
You can choose linear, logarithmic, or exponential curve.
This will affect the way in which the envelope changes.
EG Level/Time Modulation
You can use velocity and keyboard tracking to modulate the
1. Use “Level Velocity” Intensity to specify how velocity
will affect the amount of amplitude change produced
by the EG.
Higher values will allow variations in your playing velocity
to produce greater change in the amplitude.
2. Use “Decay/Release Time Keyboard Track” to specify
how keyboard tracking will affect the decay time and
release time.
Higher values allow keyboard tracking to affect the EG time
settings more greatly.
3. Use “Decay/Release Time Velocity Intensity” to specify
how velocity will affect decay time and release time.
Higher values will allow velocity to affect the EG time
settings more greatly.
Sustain Level
Attack Time
Amp Level
Decay Time
Release Time
Note on
Note off