•To do this, dismantle the nozzle as instructed
in the paragraph «Maintenance» and soak
the scaled parts for 5 minutes in 1/3 of the
mixture obtained during the first run-
through. Rinse the various parts thoroughly
before replacing them.
Problems, likely causes and
corrective actions
Problems Probable Corrective
causes actions
Espresso not The accessories Pre-heat the
hot enough. are cold accessories
(cups, filter See the paragraph
and filter holder). «Preparing an
The appliance is Wait for the
not hot enough. indicator light
(c) to come on.
Leaking coffee The filter holder See paragraph
around the filter is not fitted «Preparing an
holder correctly. espresso».
There is residual Clean around
coffee on the edge the filter and the
of the filter. seal.
The seal of the Clean the seal
percolation head with a damp
is dirty. cloth.
The seal of the Contact an
percolation head is approved KRUPS
defective. service center.
Very loud noise No water in the Fill the tank.
pump. coming from the
Tank incorrectly Press firmly on
fitted. the tank
Ground coffee too Use freshly
old or dry. ground coffee.
Water does not No water in the Fill the
flow properly. tank. tank.
Tank badly Press firmly on
fitted. the tank.
Water does not The filter is Clean the filter
flow properly. blocked-the and the grid of
ground coffee is the percolation
too fine or head. See the
compacted paragraph
too tightly. «Maintenance »
and try using a
coarser ground
Grid of the Put the grid to
percolation head soak in the
is clogged. descaling
solution. See the
Appliance scaled. See the Paragraph
Water passes Ground coffee too Try a finer
too quickly. coarse. ground coffee.
Insufficient quan- Use the spoon
ty of ground supplied to
coffee. measure out the
Ground coffee not Compact the
compacted. ground coffee
The espresso has Ground coffee Try using a finer
no head (crema too coarse. ground coffee.
on the coffee)
Ground coffee not Compact the
compacted ground coffee
enough. more.
Ground coffee old Use a fresh
or too dry. ground coffee.
Insufficient Steam /cappuccino See paragraph
foam on milk. nozzle blocked «Maintenance».
Milk too old. Use fresh milk
Milk is lukewarm. Cool milk in
the refrigerator.
Residual water Ground coffee not Compact the
in the ground sufficiently compac- ground coffee.
coffee. ted.
Insufficient Increase the
quantity quantity of
of ground coffee. ground coffee.
There is water The drip tray Empty it regularly
around the is overflowing