19. Mid-Harness Connections: You will now make all the necessary wiring
connections under the fuel tank and seat.
Under the fuel tank, locate
the unused white 2-wire
connector from the stock
wiring harness (see Photo
14.) It may be bundled up in
the stock wiring. Free this
connector and attach it to
the corresponding 2-wire
connector from the Baja
Designs mid-harness (short
extension from the 6-pin
Photo 14
Locate this plug and attach it to
its corresponding mate from the
Baja Designs wiring harness
At the front of the airbox,
attach the 3-wire connector from the Baja Designs mid-harness to
the corresponding 3-wire connector from the taillight. See Photo
15. The taillight connector from the stock wiring harness will no
longer be used and will remain unplugged for this installation.
At the same location on the airbox, attach the 4-wire connector
from the Baja Designs mid-harness to its corresponding mate from
the Baja Designs rear-harness. See Photo 15.
Route the yellow and
red wire pair from the
mid-harness down to
the brakeswitch along
the main frame tube.
Attach these two wires
to the two wires from
the brakeswitch.
Polarity is unimportant.
Carefully zip-tie these
wires so they cannot
burn on the exhaust.
Photo 15
The wiring installation is now completed!
Proceed to the next section to test your work.