Tools 49
Alarm Clock
Alarm Clock
Use the Alarm Clock to set an alert for a specific time. The alert occurs only if the
phone is on.
1. Select Menu → Tools → Alarm Clock → Set.
■ Press up or down to select an hour and minutes.
■ Press left or right to switch between hours, minutes, and a.m./p.m.
2. Press in to save.
3. When the alarm rings, select Snooze to silence the alarm for 10 minutes, or select
Off to turn off the alarm.
Tip Calculator
1. Select Menu → Tools → Tip Calculator.
2. Enter the amount of your bill and press in.
3. Select the amount you want to include as a tip (15%, 18%, 20%, 10%, 5%, Other)
and press in.
4. Your total bill, including tip, is calculated and displayed.
You also have the option of splitting the bill based on the number of guests. Select the Split
option, enter the number of guests splitting the bill. Select Done.
Use the calculator for basic mathematical equations.
1. Select Menu → Tools → Calculator.
2. Use the keypad to enter numbers.
3. Press in to select mathematical operations.
= Performs the “equals” function.
Inserts the division character after the last number entered.
- Inserts the subtraction character after the last number entered.
+ Inserts the addition character after the last number entered.
X Inserts the multiplication character after the last number entered.
. Inserts the decimal point after the last number entered.
C Clears all numbers entered and displays a zero.
MR Displays the value currently stored in memory.
M+ Adds the displayed digit to the value stored in memory.
MC Clears the value currently stored in memory.
± Changes the sign of the displayed number.