Administrator Information
The Security Kit secures data on the copier’s internal hard disk, but does not
secure any other type of data (data sent to the computer, etc.) Note that data
security is not guaranteed even if only one of the conditions required for
data security described below is not met.
Conditions Required for Data Security
The followings are required for fulfilling the validity of data security using the
Security Kit.
Dependable Administrator
A dependable administrator is required in the department to take responsibility
on security on the copiers using this Security Kit.
Safe Physical Location of Installation
The copier should be installed in a location which the accessibilities are limited.
This avoids unauthorized personnel to use the copiers.
Dependable Service Representative
All maintenance activities must be performed by the service representative,
with the administrator in attendance.
Unsecured Data
The Security Kit secures data that is not required after it is printed, and data
that has been deleted. This means that the responsibility for maintaining data
before it is printed or data that is stored before it is deleted lies with the user.
The data derived from the following functions must be administered by the
• Document Management (Copy Function)
• Quick Copy (Printer Function)
• Proof and Hold (Printer Function)
• Private Print (Printer Function)
• Stored Job (Printer Function)
• Virtual MailBox (VMB) (Printer Function)
• Temporary code Job (Printer Function)
• Permanent code Job (Printer Function)