Conventions in This Guide
The following conventions are used depending on the nature of the description.
Convention Description Example
Bold Indicates the operation panel
keys or a computer screen.
Press the Start key.
[Regular] Indicates a selection item on the
Message Display.
Select [System].
Italic Indicates a message displayed
on the Message Display.
Ready to copy is displayed.
Used to emphasize a key word,
phrase or references to
additional information.
For details on Network FAX, refer to the
FAX Operation Guide.
Note Indicates supplemental
information or operations for
Important Indicates items that are required
or prohibited so as to avoid
Caution Indicates what must be
observed to prevent injury or
machine breakdown and how to
deal with it.
Underline A link function allows you to
jump to a related page. Position
the pointer over the underlined
text until the pointer changes to
a hand with appointing finger
( ). Then click the text. (In the
Contents, Index and Menu Map,
the linked areas are not
Refer to Contents