Section 9: Body Repair
4400EX Heavy Duty Off Road Utility Vehicle 720-051M
Table of Contents
8. A second and third application of compound may be
required. Keep buffer moving over surface, this will
help keep the surface cool. Clean compound residue
off surface after each buffing operation. Do not
continue to buff compound until dry.
9. Buff the surface of the body when dry. When all scuff
marks have been buffed out the surface may still
appear a little dull, if so, proceed to #10.
10. Install polishing pad #W-9006 on buffer (tan pad).
11. Spread #8232 polish on surface as in step #3.
12. Polish to a high luster or as required to match
surrounding material.
13. Wipe clean with
soft clean cloth; any dirt on cloth will
mar surface.
Deep Gouge
Required Tools and Materials
(See note on page 37)
• 1,000 rpm buffing tool, DeWalt #849
• Evercoat Body Filler Easy Sand
• Sanding Pad
• DuPont Full-Thane Primer 421-15
• DuPont 3939 Cleaner
• DuPont Sealer 42470
• DuPont Chroma Base/ Clear Coat Paint System
• HVLP Paint Sprayer
Steps to Repair
1. Sand damaged area with 500-grit paper to remove
raised edges and to create abraded surface for proper
2. Fill damaged area with Evercoat body filler (2-part
system) and allow to completely dry.
3. Sand down high spots with 500-grit paper. If recesses
are still visible due to filler shrinkage, apply second
skim coat and again allow to dry completely, then sand
surface flush with surrounding area.
4. Apply DuPont Full-Thane Primer 421-15 over body
5. Once primer is completely dry, clean surface with
DuPont 3939 Cleaner and again allow surface to dry
6. Apply 42470 Sealer over body filler.
7. Apply color-matched paint system with HVLP paint
sprayer according to supplier’s recommendations.