
PC3500TX Terminal Installation & User’s Guide - 27
Solution: Insure that all connections are made and that the PayClock software is
functional. If possible, take a known working terminal, re-address it as this
particular terminal and determine if the problem is related to the terminal,
installation or computer.
Problem: The terminal does not accept badge data.
: Bar code badge is not manufactured to specifications.
Solution: Refer to vendor’s manufacturing specifications.
: Badge was swiped in the wrong direction.
Solution: Ensure the badge stripe faces away from the keypad.
: Badge reader needs cleaning.
Solution: Moisten a clean cloth with isopropyl alcohol and wrap it around a badge.
Swipe this badge through the reader several times.
: The terminal has not been updated with the latest employee data.
Solution: This badge has not been uploaded to the terminal from the software. See
your software instructions for uploading badge information.
Note: If all solutions fail try reading the badge in Test Mode.
Problem: Terminal does not accept keypad entries.
: The terminal has not been updated with the latest employee data.
Solution: This data has not been uploaded to the terminal from the software. See
your software instructions for uploading badge information.
: Keypad connector is unplugged.
Solution: Test the keypad in Test Mode.