Leica DM750 P Manual 10
Health risks and dangers of use
Health risks
Workplaces with microscopes facilitate
and improve the viewing task, but they
also impose high demands on the eyes and
holding muscles of the user. Depending on the
duration of uninterrupted work, asthenopia
and musculoskeletal problems may occur. For
this reason, appropriate measures for reduction
of the workload must be taken:
Ϙ Optimum workplace layout
Ϙ Frequent changes of activity
Ϙ Thorough training of the personnel, giving
consideration to ergonomic and organiza-
tional aspects.
The ergonomic design and construction of the
Leica microscopy series are intended to reduce
the exertion of the user to a minimum.
Danger of infection
Direct contact with eyepieces is a poten-
tial transmission method for bacterial
and viral infections of the eye.
The risk can be kept to a minimum by
using personal eyepieces for each indi-
vidual or detachable eyecups.
Dangers during use
Ϙ The Leica DM750 P microscope may only be
connected to a grounded socket.
Ϙ The Leica DM750 P microscope may not be
operated unless it is in proper functioning