9. Accessories
Fig. 33 Large sample stage (assembly)
1 Magnetic clamps
Inclining rotating stages ø 75 mm
The inclining rotating stages are likewise
screwed directly onto the motorized cross-stag-
es. After releasing the lever (34.1), you can rotate
them horizontally and incline them up to 45° us-
ing the built-in ball-and-socket joint (34.2). After
positioning the comparison objects, be sure to
close the clamping system using the lever.
The surface of the stages (which are 75 mm in
diameter) has a ridged surface (34.3) for fasten-
ing objects using plasticine. Four bore holes are
provided, into which stage clips (34.4) can be in-
In the center of the stage plate, there is a coni-
cal bore hole (34.5), into which all object recep-
tacles can be inserted (in a similar fashion as
the adjustable holder).
Large sample stages
The stackable large sample stages can be
screwed directly onto the motorized cross-stag-
es. They are primarily used for holding docu-
ments. Documents can be securely held in place
and stretched using the magnetic clamps pro-
vided (33.1).
Of course, the large sample stages can also be
used to hold other large-surface carrier materi-
al, such as materials bearing toolmarks.
Fig. 34 Inclining rotating stage ø 75 mm
1 Clamping lever, 2 Ball-and-socket joint, 3 Ridged surface
4 Bore hole for stage clips, 5 Conical bore hole