Reference Station GPS1200+ 71
Connect the device to transmit real-time data to port P1, P2 or P3 of the receiver.
Some devices fit into a clip-on-housing that plugs directly into these ports. Other
devices require an interface cable.
Unauthorised radio units should not be connected to the GRX1200+ Series.
Cable connection Cable connections are identical to other GPS1200+ receivers. Additional cables are
available from Leica Geosystems for the specific oscillator and Ethernet ports on the
Switch on Hold down the ON/OFF button on the receiver for at least 2 s.
Press PROG on the RX1200, if used.
Send a pulse/data to one of the serial ports. Port P1, P2 and P3 can be config-
ured not to allow receiver switch on upon pulse reception.
Switch off Press the ON/OFF button on the receiver for at least 4 s.
Press PROG and USER simultaneously on the RX1200, if used.