
Getting Started with Format Manager-1.1.0en
Quick Tour I - Creating a Report Style Output
ØFrom the Options menu or from the Toolbar select Defaults
The following dialog appears - these are the current output settings
that will be applied to any variable which is selected:
However, the next 3 variables we will enter will be easting,
northing and height. For these 3 variables we require the same
format settings: Alignment to be left, the length to be 12 and the
precision to be 3.
ØEdit the settings to those shown below.
If you require these settings also to be applied to
subsequently created format files, select the Apply to
every new format option.
ØEnsure the Apply to every new format option is selected.
ØClick OK.
We can now enter the easting, northing and height export variables.
ØFrom the Insert export variable dialog
box insert Target (East).
ØEnter a tab.
ØFrom the Insert export variable dialog
box insert Target (North).
ØEnter a tab.
ØFrom the Insert export variable dialog box insert Local
Ellipsoidal Height.
ØEnter a tab.
Ensure you choose the Local Ellipsoidal Height
export variable not the Target (Elev) export variable.