© Leica Biosystems Newcastle Ltd • NCL- Rev D
General Overview
Tyrosine hydroxylase is the rst enzyme in catecholaminergic (CA) biosynthesis and catalyses
the conversion of L-tyrosine to L-DOPA. This is the initial step for all catecholamine biosynthesis.
Tyrosine hydroxylase is, therefore, a useful marker of all CA neurones and allows their
localization in different areas of the brain. Adrenergic pericarya are located mainly in the rostral
medulla as in lower animals and contribute a subset of axons to the main longitudinal CA bundle
which runs through the medulla oblongata, pons and midbrain, such as the dorsal part of the
central nucleus of the medulla oblongata, and the parvicellular reticular formation ventromedial
to the facial nerve and ventrolateral to the locus coeruleus. The locus coeruleus contains only
tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive cells and appears to be the source of a discrete dorsal CA
General References
Kitahama K, Denoroy L, Goldstein M, et al.. Neuroscience. 25 (1): 97–111 (1988).
Berod A, Hartman B K, Keller A, et al.. Brain Research. 240: 235–243 (1982).