Leica SP9000 – Automatic knife sharpener
Should the occasion ever arise, the Leica Knife Sharpener can be re-
conditioned at the Leica factory in Nussloch, Germany or at many of the
Leica Microsystems Technical Service Centres worldwide. This is a cus-
tomer service provided at a nominal charge.
Plastic cover and outside enamelled surfaces should be kept clean. Use only
warm water and detergent. Sponge out and wipe dry the catch-basin on the
hone table after each sharpening session. Knife holder, knife holder shaft
and exposed fittings are non-corrosive and require no attention other than
normal cleaning.
Lubricate two slide rods approximately once each month, depending on how
extensively it is used.
Leica Messerschleifdienst
Leica Biosystems Nussloch GmbH
Heidelberger Straße 17-19
D-69226 Nußloch
Telefon: (062 24) 143-0
Telefax: (06224) 143-200
7. Redressing hone glass plates