
Fax Solutions software 31
Printing Preferences 31
Productivity Studio 31
Service Center 31
Toolbar 31
Tools for Office 31
Wireless Setup Utility 31
wireless 38, 51
Macintosh 39
printer does not print 120
troubleshooting 121, 130
wireless installation
will not continue after attaching
USB cable 115
wireless network
adding a printer to existing ad hoc
network 42
common home configurations 45
creating an ad hoc network using
Macintosh 40
creating an ad hoc network using
Windows 40
information needed for setting up
wireless printing 34
installing printer on
(Macintosh) 34
installing printer on
(Windows) 34
interference 50
networking overview 44
security 44
security information 45
signal strength 49
troubleshooting 114
types of wireless networks 48
wireless network compatibility 34
wireless print server
not installed 129
wireless settings
changing after installation
(Mac) 37
wireless setup
information needed for 34
wireless signal
strength 49
wireless signal absorption 50
wireless troubleshooting
changing wireless settings after
installation (Mac) 37
changing wireless settings after
installation (Windows) 37
network printer does not show up
in printer selection list during
installation (Windows) 116
printer cannot connect to wireless
network 117
Wi-Fi indicator light is blinking
orange 123, 126
Wi-Fi indicator light is not lit 120
Wi-Fi indicator light is still
orange 128
Wi-Fi indicator 21
description of colors 36
interpreting colors 36
light is not lit 120
Wi-Fi indicator light is blinking
orange 123, 126
Wi-Fi indicator light is green
printer does not print 121
Wi-Fi indicator light is still
orange 128
Wi-Fi Protected Setup 43
WPA 44
WPA key
locating 43
WPA2 44
WPS 43
XPS driver
installing 30