
input source. A printer tray or the multipurpose feeder.
An input source holds print material for printing.
Integrated Network Option. See print server.
interface. The connection between the computer and the
internal network adapter (INA). See internal print server.
internal print server. Also called an internal network
adapter (INA). An optional card you can install in the
printer to connect it to a local area network (LAN).
J job accounting. A printer feature that lets you store
statistical information about most recent printer jobs on a
hard disk option installed in the printer.
job buffering. A printer feature that lets you spool print
jobs to a hard disk option installed in the printer.
K KB. Kilobyte; 1024 bytes.
L LAN. See local area network.
landscape orientation. Printed page orientation in which
the width of the page is greater than the height.
LCD. See liquid crystal display.
leading edge. Theedgeoftheprintedpagethatexitsthe
printer first.
legal. Print material measuring 215.9 x 356 mm
(8.5 x 14 in.).
letter. Print material measuring 215.9 x 279.4 mm
(8.5 x 11 in.).